Financial Summary

Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income (Year ended December 31, Audited)
  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total revenues 171,437 146,490 186,390 227,711 233,199
Total expenses -153,981 -148,902 -149,340 -147,544 -149,004
Interest income/(finance costs), net -5,245 -5,345 -4,391 -4,364 -4,798
Share of profits/(losses) of associates and a joint venture 1,903 -76 855 -5,187 1,002
Investment income 2,398 2,774 2,409 3,685 4,632
Profit/(loss) before tax 17,130 -5,275 36,357 75,157 85,649
Income tax (expense)/credit 3,116 5,912 -11,680 -22,482 -24,604
Profit for the year 20,246 637 24,677 52,675 61,045
Expressed in Millions of RMB
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (As at December 31, Audited)
  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Current assets 140,211 122,045 138,838 191,151 205,945
Property, plant and equipment 454,141 432,465 395,868 413,383 440,554
Investments in associates and a joint venture 28,413 29,995 29,146 24,701 45,490
Intangible assets 16,423 16,644 15,070 16,073 16,306
Total assets 664,362 637,681 617,219 686,381 757,731
Current liabilities -84,380 -67,090 -61,412 -74,157 -91,249
Non-current liabilities -193,941 -188,220 -175,832 -192,314 -218,256
Total Liabilities -278,321 -255,310 -237,244 -266,471 -309,505
Equity 386,041 382,371 379,975 419,910 448,226
Expressed in Millions of RMB